Monday, December 18, 2006

This would be a cool job....

So here are David's friends Christer and Beamer in their first of 4 spacewalks. It blows my mind that this is what David has been training them to do for nearly 2 years.... I mean, they are hanging out IN SPACE! He said that Beamer was out on the end, as far away from the space station and the shuttle as possible, and he was so calm and collected that his numbers seemed like he was asleep! Can you imagine being the one in that top picture?? Such a cool job. I look foward to meeting these guys. Anyways, his crew is scheduled to land on Friday afternoon... a day late. But I should get my husband back now that this mission is over, just in time for Christmas!

In the meantime, I have LOADS of pics of the sweet baby girl that I am dying to share with you all, but I still am not able to get them off of my camera. So maybe once I get to my parents' house I can do that. Just know that if you can imagine it, she is cuter than the last pics I posted of her. She never ceases to amaze me! :)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Well, poop

Looks like I spoke too soon. We may not be able to go home for Christmas since even though David will be done with his part of the mission, he has to be on call until they land. So we may not be able to leave town. Bummer.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Making up for lost time

I have put in 3 posts in 2 days, so to make sure you don't miss anything... keep scrolling!! :) :) :)

And We Have Liftoff!!!

Yippee! Last night was a HUGE one for our family. Discovery finally took off for the Space Station yesterday evening... the first night launch in almost 5 years! It was huge for several reasons. First, it is always a huge deal when the shuttle launches. Unfortunately, it doesn't get near as much press as it should. That thing weighs like 3,000 tons or something, and it goes into space. Unreal. But it was huge for us because David has been training this shuttle crew for almost 2 years, and it is his first flight where he is the "lead" for the EVAs. I kept saying "can't believe your friends are on that thing!!" He has gotten pretty close to these guys, so it is really cool to think about them being in space. Also, our family picture is on that rocket!! I can't wait to get it back, along with all the stats of how fast it flew, how many thousand miles, how many orbits, etc. Too cool. And lastly, this means that I get to take Reagan "home" for Christmas to be with my family and friends in the Metroplex. The backup plan was to have Mom, Dad, Adam and crew to come here for Christmas, but David should now be done in time to not have to work over the holidays. YIPPEE!! Now we just pray for a safe, everything-goes-as-planned, 12 day mission and a safe landing.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Naughty or Nice!?!?

We're pretty sure she is on the Nice List. This cutie pie pretty much gets whatever she asks for!! Especially since she was so good for Santa! She even gave bigger smiles that didn't get caught by the camera, but we have them on video. (thanks Kendra for reminding me to take the video camera!)

Yea for Christmastime!!!!!

PS. the lady in front of us in line was taking pics of Santa and her twins. I kept thinking "that'll be Jaymie next year!!!" :)

Kentucky Family Pics

I'm way way behind on blogging. I broke part of our camera (I'm so MAD about it!), and it is the part that the USB cable hooks into. So we now need a card reader to get our pics off the camera. Not too big of a deal... it could have been MUCH worse. I can't live without the camera these days! Anyways, I have more precious pictures from our Thanksgiving trip, but they are on Brenna's camera. She has since told me that she doesn't know how to upload pics off it... guess I need to have a tutoring session! But I do have these which are fun, so I thought I would share. :)
This is David's cousin Justin. He looks more like David than any of the others (there are LOTS), probably because their moms are identical twins. Anyways, I just love this picture. She really took to Justin.
Here is David's Aunt Mary (Katie's twin sister) loving on Reagan. We stayed at their house, and she was SO great helping me out while Reagan was sick. I pretty much stayed there the entire time while David went out with the family outings, and Aunt Mary just loved on us both. It was great to spend so much time with her! I think she confused Reagan a bit though... she looks and talks so much like her Grammy!
David's cousin Nathan has a little girl who just turned one... Camille. Nathan kept saying "who would have thought we would be taking pictures with our daughters!!" Too cute.
Another cousin, Katie (seriously, he has as big of a family as I do!) and her 7 month old, William. We spent an afternoon at their house, one of the few times that Reagan was feeling better. I just love Katie to death. She has a little adorable 2 year old, Anna Scott, who didn't really feel like having her picture made, so I have none of her. But William was just precious beyond words, and he seemed to like Reagan a lot! Will, you guys are RELATED, so don't get any ideas... even if you ARE from Kentucky!
David's Greemy spent the day with us too, which was a treat. Brenna, Mary, and Reagan sat here with her (and the dog Gracie) for a long time just hanging out. We don't get to see Greemy enough, so I wanted Reagan to have as much time with her Great-Greemy as possible. This pic isn't great, but it is the only one I have of Reagan with her until Brenna gets more savvy with her technology!

With Christmas coming up, I can't wait for all the photo ops! I know you all will be so bored of the family pictures I will be posting soon, but it is just so fun having a kid at the holidays! Until then, I'll be working on my broken camera. Ugh....

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Rat Tails, Caffeine Fixes, and a Big Cough

Our little one has had a rough week. Our Kentucky trip was a great visit with family, but unfortunately Reagan was sick the entire trip. She still has RSV, is on meds and feeling better, and I will keep you posted with all that. I will have to post the family pics maybe tomorrow... some of the best pics are on Brenna's camera from when mine died! But here are a few from this week that make me smile.
I gave Reagan her first hair cut a couple of days ago. She has these 2 hilarious cowlicks (is that really how you say that? I have no idea...) in the back, where her hair was longest. So all the long hairs fold to the middle looking like a rat tail. We have had many a laugh about her crazy hair, and I finally decided to cut it off. The tail is saved in her book for later laughs. :)

This is the little bear feeling sick at the airport. Honestly, for how horrible she felt, she was so good! Pretty mellow though...
Sucking the thumb is the new passion. She is an equal opportunity thumb sucker... left or right, doesn't matter. I know that some may frown upon this, but I think it is so cute that I kinda encourage it. Especially since she won't take a paci. You can see the redness around her sick little eyes... poor baby.
Guess she is going to be a coffee drinker! She wanted Aunt Mary's coffee so badly. Guess that was her way of making up for a long night. Too funny.

We were packing for the trip before we left, and I set her down against my pillow on the bed for a second. When I came back, I found this photo op. Here, Aunt Brenna is helping the little sickly girl feel better. She was stingy with smiles on our trip, so I am glad I caught this one. She thankfully had lots of people to love on her. I'll have more sweet pics with family coming soon.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

So Much To Be Thankful For

I just LOVE Thanksgiving. Seriously, it ranks right on up there with Christmas. :) The food is great, the time with family is great, but I love the fact that as a nation we take pause to remember how blessed we are. And to take time and watch great football. I am pumped about this week!

This year, David and I have more to be thankful for than ever. Obvious statement. But we are also getting to go to Kentucky to visit his family and Grandmother, which is a huge blessing in so many ways. Reagan hasn't met Greemy, so it will be an extra special visit with her. I'll have more to write about our trip next week I am sure.

David and I are constantly saying how grateful we are for our parents.... so true. We have so much support and love from both sets of parents, and huge examples of love and devotion in Christian marriage to follow. But right now, I would like to give special thanks for my sweet Mom. Since becoming a mother myself, I am more grateful than ever for the amazing Mom God gave to me. Last weekend, she and I got to have a bless-ed full day of shopping together, and I was reminded that all moms and daughters just don't enjoy each other as much as we do! I mean, it was really spending the entire day with my best girlfriend (BFF!). I have found that if we go a day without talking to each other, something seems out-of-whack. And she is such an encouragement to me about Reagan. Everything good in me for being a Mommy I learned from her. Reagan is so blessed to have her for a Grandmommy! So thanks, Mom, for who you are and the blessing you are in my life. LOVE YOU!
3 generation pic!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Random Things

Don't have any pics to post really that go with this, but I had just a couple of things to report.

First of all, Reagan rolled over today for the first time! She hates Tummy Time, always has. But we do it anyway every once in awhile. Today, she figured out that she can just roll back over onto her back, and that makes Mommy really happy and Tummy Time is over! I must say that something so trivial as rolling over from tummy to back is something I take for granted! :) But when Reagan did it, it made me cry. I am such a dork.

Second of all, for all your bloggers out there, check your profiles if you have switched to the beta format. I just recently did, and just happened to look at my profile today. It switched my birthday to Dec 17, 1756 somehow. So I was registering as 249 years old! To avoid any confusion about that, I switched it back to my actual birthday in 1977. So all is well. Just FYI. :)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

4 Months Old!

Man how time flies! We went to the doctor today for 4 month check up... and shots. Yuck. We survived though. And I say we because I think they are harder on me than Reagan! David got on to me about not getting her "stats" last check-up, so this time I got graphs printed out and everything!
Weight: 14 lbs 5 oz - 66%
Length: 25 3/4 inches - 91%
Head Circum: 16.9 inches - 91%

So I guess that means she is tall with big brains! :)

I think we finally got it right! I have been taking Reagan's pic on her month-birthdays, and didn't think until last month to be putting her bunny in each pic to see how she grows compared to it. Didn't think until THIS month (David's idea) to put her in her pink chair each time! Duh! Too cute! The original idea was for each month to be the same, but so far none of them are. But from now on I think we have it down. :) For both of us, this is our favorite outfit of hers so far in her life. She looked like such a big girl in her layered look and new jeans! Thanks Grandmommy!

And since you couldn't tell in that pic how cute her shirt was, here is a close up. I loved the little pink one so much that we now have a white one just like it in the bigger size. "Thanks Rachel for my new shirt! I can't wait to take pics with Roselyn in hers that matches! LOVE YOU!" -Reagan

Friday, November 03, 2006

Fun with the Fam

Last weekend, Reagan and I flew to Amarillo to visit Adam, Missy, Adley and Corbin. Reagan did GREAT on the planes, despite hours of delays and having to switch planes. We didn't do much over the weekend, just hung out with Grandmommy and Granddaddy and enjoyed our time together.

Uncle Adam held her while she took a much needed Sunday afternoon nap. I kept asking if he needed me to take her, but I think he was enjoying her too much! With that mouth hanging wide open, you can tell she was pretty comfy!

Happy girl had fun playing with Aunt Missy! They were both all smiles!
Adley and Corbin really wished Reagan had been a superhero too for Halloween. I told Superman and Wonderwoman that superbaby costumes were hard to come by. They had fun with the monkey anyways. :)

This is how the kiddos spent a lot of the weekend: in their pj's, "nuggling" as Corbin calls it, watching cartoons. It was so sweet how they had to have Reagan in the middle so she could hold both of their hands!

Corbin saw me with my camera out, so he got HIS camera and kept getting Reagan to smile for his pictures. Thankfully the camera has no flash (no film either!!) since it was always right in her face!!

As much fun as we had, it just reminded me how crummy it is that we live so far from each other! We are definitely already looking forward to the holidays so we can be together more!! Those of you who live close to your families, make the most of it!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Silly Monkey

Happy late-Halloween to all! Like I said, Blogger has not been my friend lately, but it did let me post a few pics today. Just know there are more to come from our weekend in Amarillo. We had so much fun and got to go to the Funival at Adam's church there. Missy even went! (She is doing much better by the way, so thank you all for your prayers for her. She still has a long way to go...) So we got the kids all dressed up Sunday night. Reagan just kept looking at me like "what the heck?", but she survived and finally smiled for the camera. She made such a cute, silly monkey!

Love those Baby Blues! And of course, the ever-present drool....

Silly Blogger

I am having a horrible time with posting pictures! Ugh!! (Insert much frustration here). I know many of you are just dying to see our Halloween pics, and as soon as Blogger will cooperate with me, I will be on top of it! So, more later I guess.......

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Oh Happy Day!!!

Today is the day!! Reagan went down last night about 8:30ish, and didn't wake up until almost 7:00am to eat! Yippee!!! I know I say this all the time, but I can't believe how big she is! Everyone kept telling us that these first few months eventually would seem as if they flew by, and I guess that is now true. When I was in the middle of it... like those nights where she wanted to eat every hour and a half... it seemed like I would never sleep again as long as I lived and life would never be the same. Well, life WILL never be the same, and time really has flown, but the little girl is sleeping like a champ and I couldn't be more proud! Yea Reagan!

Reagan and I are flying to Amarillo today to see the fam. Wish me luck since I will be flying by myself with an infant! I will of course have pictures to post upon our return. Until then, here are a few of the little girl with some of her favorite toys. She loves to play these days, and to chew on anything she can get to her mouth!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mommy Questions

Everyone knows that life changes when you become parents. I don't think anyone knows how MUCH before it happens to them! I wouldn't change a thing, but I do have some questions. Some of them I need true answers for from you veteran Moms, some of them I just need to throw out there and get them off my chest!
13 (there are certainly more!) questions I ask myself as a Mom:

1. Why do I almost leave the house (when I get to leave the house!) without brushing my teeth!? I am a major tooth-brusher, but now it seems to be the last thing I think about! Weird.

2. How am I supposed to get her to drink her vitamins? (this is one that I would love an answer for!) I only have found one brand, and they are disgusting!! I mean, she spits them right out, and I do not blame her! Does she really need them? The doc says yes, but since she is nursing, you would think that God has provided all she needs with that. Any thoughts??

3. Why does she always start crying when I sit down to post a blog?? (save as draft)

4. Since I am the one who normally takes the pictures, David is in lots of cute pics with the kiddo. How come I always get our pic taken when I have on no makeup!? Here it is anyways....

5. While I am on the topic of looking rough, why do I still get zits? I mean, pushing 30 should be old enough.

6. When do I know to start her eating other foods, like cereal or baby food? Are these things the doc decides or do I get this info from magazines or what? I never want to be that mom at the Dr. office who asks dumb questions, so I ask them of you.... :)

7. How do I figure out when her 3-6 month clothes start to fit? I think she is in an inbetween phase now, and I am afraid I might wait too long and some of them will be too small before she wears them! Do I just sit down one day and try everything on her at once? Not sure the best procedure for that... especially since I need to wash them first. Help!

8. Why I am so giddy about dressing her up for Halloween?? I mean, you would think she was my Cabbage Patch or something. I want it to be so perfect that I am incredibly indecisive on what she will be!! And since she is the CUTEST in her class at school, she has to have the cutest costume!! Never cared about such things before...

9. What if she never learns to roll over? She hates tummy time with a passion. Is it that big of a deal? Won't she learn soon enough, or should I continue to torture my child on her tummy so that she learns to roll over sooner?

10. What if she doesn't learn to love football?? I fear this dreadfully. One would think it impossible in our family, but I am still fearful. I want her to be raised right!!!

11. We just love her mohawk. I think she is just too stinkin cute in it, but not sure when it gets past the cute point and becomes kinda trashy. Can I just transition it, when it gets long enough, to the on-top-of-the-head ponytail with a bow?

12. Why does she not want to sleep when I want her to, but she just falls dead to the world asleep in her Bumbo seat?! She fights it at bedtime these days, but just leaned over and crashed in her Bumbo without a fight yesterday. It was stinkin cute I must say.

13. How did I get so blessed?! I have such a wonderful family, and I just feel like my chest will explode with love sometimes. Greatest thing ever. ;)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

3 Months!

Can't believe the baby girl is 3 months old! She is getting so big already, and has developed quite the personality. We couldn't be more proud of her! Here are a few pics from the last week or so... we haven't taken as many as usual (meaning we don't have hundreds to go through!) because the camera battery has been dying. But we captured a few good moments. Enjoy! Isn't she just too cute?!?!?! :)

These are actually out of order. Daddy went a bit crazy with the powder after bathtime!!
She is so big that she fills up her little bathtub now! And my little dainty, modest girl crossed her legs for the camera!
And Gloria makes her first blog appearance! She just loves Reagan so much... follows her everywhere. This is a typical scene in our living room with Reagan swinging and Gloria hanging out right next to where Reagan is. She even sleeps outside Reagan's door at night these days. Guess she considers herself the protective big sister or something! It really is cute...
Kendra and I bought Cassidee and Reagan matching ACU attire, and this is the first and last time she wore it! It was a really small newborn outfit I guess since it is already too tight! Anyways, since UT was playing a non-team last weekend, she wore ACU clothes for football Saturday! Little future Wildcat!
Ok, this was turned correctly when I put it in here... weird. Oh well. Here is our little "stander", saying hi to Daddy when he got home from work. Standing in our laps is her new favorite thing! She is just so big!!! :)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Taking the lead from my friend Susan, I am floored that September is almost over already! So....
13 Things from the Beaver Dam in September:

1. This weekend is David's and my 10 year high school reunion. Yikes. Can't believe we are that old! Should be fun though... maybe I'll have more to report next week.

2. Labor Day weekend was our first weekend in Galveston with my parents and Adam's crew. First time for Uncle Adam to meet the baby girl. She loved him of course. I think the feeling was mutual! And my sweet Adley turned 5. Can't believe how big she is!

3. Last weekend was our second weekend in Galveston at my sister-in-law's family's beach house. Reagan didn't get to actually go to the beach this time, much to her disappointment, but she still loved it out on the deck! And loved seeing her aunts and uncles.

4. The other September weekend was our trip to Dallas for Rachel's (Roselyn's) baby shower. Reagan's first road trip! Rachel also got to stay with us a few days beforehand, which was a treasure to me!

5. Reagan started sleeping (almost) through the night! Our doctor considers a 6 hour stretch as being "though the night", so she is there I guess! She has gotten so much better in the evenings, and only wakes up for one quick feeding in the early mornings. Greatness.

6. Just realized there was another weekend in Sept... can't remember what we did...

7. UT football is in full swing, with one minor setback with stupid OSU. You pretty much know what our Saturdays consist of! Absolutely LOVE college football. Our favorite time of year. Plus, we get to occasionally see my cousin Catherine on the sidelines cheering for the Horns. Fun!

8. I started working at the PeeWee School at our church on Tues and Thurs. It is great b/c I can take the kiddo with me. Don't tell anybody, but she is by far the cutest baby there!

9. David made his TV debut on NASA TV sitting in the mission control room. I am his biggest fan! :)

10. Not so much a fan of T.O. I hate that guy! Can I get an Amen?!? He is a cancer bound to infect my Cowboys. We'll see what happens from here with his "painkillers"...

11. Reagan has learned to stand up. She no longer is content to sit in my lap anymore, she wants to stand all the time. It is apparent she is so proud of herself by the smiles on her face!

12. Oh yeah, and Gloria ate a possum. I found the head, tail, and leftover fur of a possum in our backyard. David said something else could have eaten it, but I don't know what else in our backyard would have! She is the only one back there! Doctor checked her out, she is fine. SO GROSS though!

13. As always, we continue to be blessed beyond measure, far more than we could ever ask or imagine, and far more than we deserve. God is so good to us everyday! We are thankful for a wonderful marriage, family, home, church, friends, jobs... and the list goes on!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Reagan is quite upset with me for not posting on the blog in awhile. I told her that we have been quite busy, but she didn't think that was any excuse. Hopefully this week will allow more computer time! :)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Happy Friday!

Just a few recent cutie-patootie pics of the baby girl! Plus a too-cute-not-to-show-off pic of Adley swimming with her Uncle David. They had so much fun together! Enjoy!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Space Family

As most of you know, David has a pretty cool job. Right now, as I type, he is sitting on mission control checking out the space suits for the shuttle crew in orbit. If you feel like watching from 7pm to 4 am, you might find him on NASA TV (although you may not recognize him since he wears a tie!!). Anyways, he is also training the crew for the next scheduled flight for December. One of the astronauts has gotten to be pretty good friends with David, and he asked us if we would like him to "fly" something for us. They evidently get to take a few small, lightweight things from friends and family to take in orbit and then bring home... with the sole purpose of getting to tell people it was in space! We decided on a family photo, one we could later frame with captions that say how many miles it traveled and for how many days, etc. So, here is the pic that will orbit our wonderful Mother Earth in the near future. I am curious, all you readers... what would you have chosen to "fly?" It was a hard choice, especially since it had to be small and stuff. Just wondering...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Beach Bum

We found out that Reagan is quite the beach baby! In Galveston over Labor Day, she had the best weekend of her life! Seriously! I highly recommend the beach for a fussy baby. Every time she would fuss, someone in the family would take her out on the balcony overlooking the ocean (and the seawall highway) and she would instantly hush. It was amazing. Plus, she took a great nap in her playpen in the sand, then woke up and hung out with us perfectly content. She had a great time with her grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins. It is especially fun for me to see how Adley and Corbin adore her. :)

Friday, September 01, 2006

8 Weeks Now

At 8 weeks, Reagan is getting much better at checking everything out! She is constantly looking around, getting smarter of course by the day. (sorry about the bra pad in this pic by the way!)

Love those buggies that Pop bought me!!

Here is her new Bumbo seat, that Cassidee Broom convinced us she couldn't live without. That's my girl, grinning at a football highlight on David's new TV! Yea for football season! :)

Again, my little sports fan watches intently while concentrating on Tiger Woods putting last Sunday. We are trying to raise her right from the beginning with exposure to the great world of sports!