Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mommy Questions

Everyone knows that life changes when you become parents. I don't think anyone knows how MUCH before it happens to them! I wouldn't change a thing, but I do have some questions. Some of them I need true answers for from you veteran Moms, some of them I just need to throw out there and get them off my chest!
13 (there are certainly more!) questions I ask myself as a Mom:

1. Why do I almost leave the house (when I get to leave the house!) without brushing my teeth!? I am a major tooth-brusher, but now it seems to be the last thing I think about! Weird.

2. How am I supposed to get her to drink her vitamins? (this is one that I would love an answer for!) I only have found one brand, and they are disgusting!! I mean, she spits them right out, and I do not blame her! Does she really need them? The doc says yes, but since she is nursing, you would think that God has provided all she needs with that. Any thoughts??

3. Why does she always start crying when I sit down to post a blog?? (save as draft)

4. Since I am the one who normally takes the pictures, David is in lots of cute pics with the kiddo. How come I always get our pic taken when I have on no makeup!? Here it is anyways....

5. While I am on the topic of looking rough, why do I still get zits? I mean, pushing 30 should be old enough.

6. When do I know to start her eating other foods, like cereal or baby food? Are these things the doc decides or do I get this info from magazines or what? I never want to be that mom at the Dr. office who asks dumb questions, so I ask them of you.... :)

7. How do I figure out when her 3-6 month clothes start to fit? I think she is in an inbetween phase now, and I am afraid I might wait too long and some of them will be too small before she wears them! Do I just sit down one day and try everything on her at once? Not sure the best procedure for that... especially since I need to wash them first. Help!

8. Why I am so giddy about dressing her up for Halloween?? I mean, you would think she was my Cabbage Patch or something. I want it to be so perfect that I am incredibly indecisive on what she will be!! And since she is the CUTEST in her class at school, she has to have the cutest costume!! Never cared about such things before...

9. What if she never learns to roll over? She hates tummy time with a passion. Is it that big of a deal? Won't she learn soon enough, or should I continue to torture my child on her tummy so that she learns to roll over sooner?

10. What if she doesn't learn to love football?? I fear this dreadfully. One would think it impossible in our family, but I am still fearful. I want her to be raised right!!!

11. We just love her mohawk. I think she is just too stinkin cute in it, but not sure when it gets past the cute point and becomes kinda trashy. Can I just transition it, when it gets long enough, to the on-top-of-the-head ponytail with a bow?

12. Why does she not want to sleep when I want her to, but she just falls dead to the world asleep in her Bumbo seat?! She fights it at bedtime these days, but just leaned over and crashed in her Bumbo without a fight yesterday. It was stinkin cute I must say.

13. How did I get so blessed?! I have such a wonderful family, and I just feel like my chest will explode with love sometimes. Greatest thing ever. ;)


Anonymous said...

I don't want to answer your questions and sound like a "know-it-all" expert, but here is what I think anyway...
*Feed her solid foods when you want to. She's big enough now to have some rice cereal. Try it and see what she does. She may not even want it yet. Plus, the first couple of times they only take a couple of bites anyway.
*As far as the clothes, have a try-on day when she is in a good mood, or just pull one out of the closet one day. If it fits, let her wear it. It won't hurt for it not to be washed first.
*Vitamins? No clue--we don't do that.
*Crying when you blog--I have the same problem.
*I only have pics of she and Jeremy would never know I went to Nashville or the State Fair with them...
*I love the Halloween thing too. We've gotten Dee's pic made already. I'm waiting to post it closer to Halloween, but it is super fun!
*Keep putting her on her tummy. Put a mirror in front of her. That's what made Cassidee happy.
*Football, mohawks, and the Bumbo--I have the same feelings about all that. Although Cassidee's hair is too long and her mohawk won't stay up, and she can now crawl out of her Bumbo....
Hope I've helped or sorry if I've taken up your time!
Love you!!!

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

Kendra and Jodi- I am so thankful that you girls will be able to hit all the highlights for when it is my turn. I know one day I will be calling each of you saying, "Help! I have a question!" I love the picture of Reagan sleeping...OH MY GOSH-delightful!

love you Jodi!
love you kendra too! :)

Pearson Family said...

I always ask my doctor questions...
Kendra did a great job answering your are a few more!
Most dr.'s say that when she holds her head up strongly or sits up on her own give her cereal. Start with rice cereal, then add veggies first, then fruit. You feed the same food for 2-3 days to make sure she doesn't have a reaction and you will know for sure what food caused it.

Clothes- that is a HARD one for my family. My 9 month old is wearing 12-18 month clothes!! Don't take any tags off until you try it on. I agree about now washing things first.

We don't do vitamins here either...did your doctor tell you to do it?

I try to blog at night when I don't have extra fingers on my keyboard, I may draft it until later, but I do get more done.

I now tell Stacey to take pictures of me. He always kind of acts surprised...And I have to explain the reasoning.

Both of my children HATED their tummys. I didn't worry about it. I would do it just for a few minutes a day. I would rather wait a few weeks than listen to them scream their head off. Both of mine crawled just fine and had upper body strength.

And just remember, we survived just fine with our parents who didn't have all these doctors and books telling them all these crazy theories! Hang in there friend!!!

Kimberly said...

Jodi -
Love your precious little girl - and we are so alike... nice ACU girls marrying those dang Texas Longhorn fans. Presley has plenty of Horns attire that Reagan can grow into. HOpe you are doing well. Tiff says hi.


Ashley said...

I am definitely not an expert eaither. Here is my opinion on your questions:

First of all, she is precious and I have to hug her soon!!!

* My dr. told me to feed her cereal about 4 months. She told me to wait until Carley was a really good either with good neck control. She told me to start with green foods first (peas, Green beans), then yellows (Squash, pears, apples), then orange colors (carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches). She will let you know when she is ready., Sometimes Carley would hate something. I would wait a couple of days and then try again. I kept doing until one day, bam, she did it.
* I agree with the others on clothes and shoes for that matter.
* I don't do viatmins either. When I had to do medicine that she hated, Cody and I tag teamed her and one held her head and sang while the other did it. I do think if you pick a song for each activity, it helps the baby know what is coming. Like I always sing the ABC song first when I change her diaper. She knows it is coming. Or, "This is the way" when she takes a bath. It helps if they aren't confused.

* I have 6 pimples on my face currently. No help on that.

* Keep up tummy time. I used to sing to her and pat her bottom and she would like it. Other times I would lay in front of her so we were face to face and talk to her. It is a painful but necessary thing to do.

* Carley has had WILD hair from the beginning. Just love it and enjoy it. There will be a time when she has to start worrying about her hair. Postpone it as long as possible.

Most imporantly remember that EVERYthing is a phase. Diapers, bottles, feeding, sleeping, naps, hair, it is all a phase. The good days and the bad days go quickly. Hang in there

I miss yoU!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jodi,
Reagan is too adorable. She is so much fun and is just getting more and more precious each time I see a picture... if that's even possible! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jodi :)

I will just tell you what "I" did with Bryson.

-I started giving him cereal at 5 months
-I introduced him to veggies AND fruit at the same time. I never had any problems at all. I let him eat what he wanted and as much as he wanted. It all worked out wonderfully :) He eats anything and everything to this day.
-I think I have a total of 3 pictures with my son...and I am not on any of our vidoes with him. I guess it's a mom thing...there is never any record of us existing!
-Bryson HATED belly time. So, I didnt push it. He eventually rolled over...he actually rolled from back to belly first...then he learned belly to back. So, if she doenst like it, then dont force it. No biggie :)
-I always learned that whether you are nursing or giving the baby formula...he/she will get what they need and you dont need to do the vitamin thing right now. I never did and Bryson is very healthy.

Hope I helped some!!! :)


Unknown said...

Hey Jodi! I am with you on forgetting to do normal things. One time, I actually put shampoo on my face in the shower instead of face soap. Hopefully, our brains will come back!

Our doctor told us to feed Jackson cereal at 4 months and to start fruits and veggies between 5 and 6 months. I could always tell when Jackson needed more food because he would start waking up at night again. We did veggies and fruits together also. Jackson still eats everything!

We never did vitamins. Actually, we still don't.

I have tons of pictures of Boone and Jackson and very few of me and Jackson. Just recently I have tried to remedy that situation.

I currently have a very large zit on my chin. No help there.

Jackson hated his tummy also. I didn't really worry about it. He still rolled over, and now he sleeps on his tummy. I seriously did not do tummy time on a daily basis.

I have no help on clothes and hair issues. Jackson is a straight up 50th percentile guy, so his age usually corresponds with his clothes, and boys' hair is just easier.

Also to respond to your comment on my blog, Jackson did great in the car; however, he did have a little help from Benadryl. That's right, I drugged my child for the road!