I am exhausted. So this has to be short so I can go to bed. But I couldn't sleep without letting everyone know about our fabulous day. I have been telling God "thank you" all day, and I can't say it to Him enough for our great great day.
First of all, official results on Brooklyn's echo came today, and they were "within normal limits." So, looks like no heart murmur issue. Fabulous news. Fabulous news. Then... the opthomology doctor came by for a consult that we didn't know was going to happen. He said he had been informed of the possibility of optic nerve dysplacia in Brooklyn, and that he could check that out now for us and tell us yes or no on it. The test did not show functionality, how great eyesight could be, just if the nerves were present and in the right place. The early MRI had shown that she was either at risk for the nerves actually not being there or being displaced. Blah blah blah.... anyways. We have all been praying for months now about this, and got our fabulous answer today. I can't even type this without crying! The doctor said everything was perfect. Our girl can see. Poor baby had to go through a horrible exam... they pried open her eye sockets and moved her eyeball all around while shining big lights and magnifying glass in her eyes. But, it didn't last long, and now we get our answer that yes, her nerves and eyes are perfect. I can't thank God enough for this news, but I will spend my entire life thanking Him for it.
More updates tomorrow. She is tube free... just has wires for the monitors now. Her feedings are going great, her incisions are healing great, they've already started talking about scheduling our car seat "training" so we can take her home. Seriously, best birthday ever. :) Please join me in praising our Lord for His wonderful gifts!!!!!