Thursday, October 14, 2010


I title these 2 pictures
When The Cat's Away (big sister at school), the Mouse Will Play.

Brooklyn is OBSESSED with the potty.  She wants to sit on it multiple times a day.  Since nothing has EVER happened while sitting there, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't feel much with potty issues anyway and wouldn't know if she WAS successful, I've gotten where I just put her on it, clothes and all.  Before bathtime, she sits there naked, however.  She is so proud of herself, and I honestly don't think she even knows the purpose of the potty!
This is her "PUSH" face.
She does know how to push poopoo out, so maybe she does get it somewhat. 
But never pushed anything into the potty. 
Someday.  :)
She mostly just loves the Dora seat, I think.
Signing "potty."
This picture was from awhile ago, but it is to document her first time feeding herself her yogurt.  She is a MESSY eater, so I just now started letting her use her spoon herself with yogurt.  Still a mess, but getting better.
I was hurrying like crazy to take this photo and didn't realize that it was on manual focus.  Obviously, I didn't manually focus it.  Bummer.  But this was their  Daddy-Reagan date to Veggie Tales Live.
While they were gone, B and I got to hang out and shop together.  Then had  a snack of milk and Nilla wafers.  I gave her a sippy with milk, and she kept fussing and fussing, pointing at her milk and signing "milk."  I kept tasting her milk thinking it was bad or something since she was fussing so badly. 
Finally, she thought to sign "open" then "milk."  I asked her "Open your milk?!"  She EXCITEDLY nodded her head.  So, I'm thinking she's gonna want chocolate in it or something.  No, I took the lid off and she immediately dunked her cookie in it!  I laughed so hard.  I guess she has seen Reagan do that before, but it was a first for Brook.
Thank you LORD for her signing! (a blog about that coming soon)
Reagan already had the Larry Boy hat, and she came home from the show with a Bob hat for Brooklyn.  Bob is Brook's favorite.
And a Sweet Sweet Petunia for herself.  :)
I love this picture.  Although Sweet Sweet Petunia kinda has a mean face...
It's a puppet, and she loves it.  That is all that matters.... I guess.
She is getting so big and so pretty.  Now that the weather is better, we get to play and do therapy outside on Reagan's school days!
See?!?!?!  Check out that girl climbing the ladder!!!!  She still needs a LITTLE help, but not much!
In this one, she is climbing up onto her knee.  Which works for her.  But we're currently working on getting her WHOLE foot up to the next rung.  Hard because her little legs are still short!  But, she's doing it!  She works SO hard and makes me SO proud.  But it's great because when we're on a playground, it doesn't feel like work!
These are some of our attempts at cousin pictures with Austin and Jonathan during the TX/OU game.  Reagan was still getting over getting in trouble a few minutes before, so she took awhile to warm up.  Then, the toddlers lost it.  All in all, not the best pics, but we'll take them!  And they make me laugh!

How cute are they?!?!?
Hugs for Austin.
This is ONLY cute when you're under 2.
Family shot.  Brooklyn was too interested in Austin.
Think she loves him much?

Blogger chopped off half of this post. (i'm sure you're DYING for more!)  Not sure what happened, but I've got more random Stuff coming soon.


Unknown said...

WOW! Brooklyn is doing so great! I love that she wanted to put her cookie in the milk. :) Faith went to veggie tales too and loved it. I love their little hats.

Amber said...

Jodi, you could totally pull off having Texas on your bum.

Amy said...

Oh Jodi, how I love your pictures of your girls! So, so cute! I am AMAZED at Brooklyn and her climbing self! Wow, go girl!! So proud of her and how hard she works. She is incredible!! By the way, we've opted for the therapy sessions at the park recently too...much better cooperation from the Elster I must say. ;)
Praying for you and thinking about you all the time. So thankful for you and for your precious family. Love you lots!