Friday, February 22, 2008

Cousin Austin and BFF Cassidee

Here is Reagan's new baby cousin, Austin Beaver! She hasn't been around him much because she has a cough, but we sure look forward to them getting into lots of trouble together!
James, Brenna, and Austin are all doing great. Not sleeping much, but such is life with a newborn. Here they are leaving the hospital.

Not sure what Blogger did to the rest of my pics, but they are quite out of order. No idea what that is about! But I finally got up the pics of when Cassidee came to visit... she is one of Reagan's bestest friends. They had a short visit, but tons of fun.

This one was supposed to be about 10 pics down. But this is the second time the girls have climbed into the eagle's nest at the zoo. The first time, they weren't NEARLY this mobile!

Ok, this is actually pic one. On accident, we had matching pjs! While getting them ready for bed, Reagan is telling Cass a secret, that this box is really fun and you can jump off of it!

Cutie cutie girls!
You may have to enlarge this one to see this hilarious look on Cassidee's face as she is about to launch off the box!
Reagan had a lot to learn from Cassidee about her letters. Cass knows lots of letters, while Reagan calls them all E. But hey, we're working on it! Here she is playing school with Cassidee as she learns her letters from her teacher. :)
Doing a little reading before bed... Cass asking for her paci. Aren't they just so cute?!?!
Reagan pointing out to me that Cassidee has a paci and she doesn't. :)
Now, there is brushing teeth....
...and brushing teeth in STYLE! Awesome!
These are the sweet girls a little less than a year ago on their first trip to the zoo together. Wow, what a difference a year makes! Not on Reagan's belly though evidently, because it still looks just like that.
Zoo trip #2. Hopping in the double stroller for a ride. Cass needed to check to make sure Reagan was ok back there.
Here they are eating some "yummies" at the zoo. Big girls who got to sit in the booth together on their side by themselves.
Reagan LOOOOOVED the Children's Zoo section where she could just take off and roam. Kendra and I just played chase with the girls.
Nothing better than pushing some buttons for some animal sounds!
Ah yes, here is where that other pic was to be. This is the girls in the eagle's nest last March. :)

Playing a little leap frog on the giant fake lily pads.
The petting zoo was Reagan's second favorite part of the zoo. She kept "baaaaaa"ing at the goats, but was calling them "Puppy." Maybe a bit confused, but she loved it.
Not sure this goat loved her though.
It kept trying to hide from the crazy little girl chasing it.
These guys stayed put and let her talk to them and pet them for quite awhile.

Waving "Bye-Bye" to the goats.
Last year, she just sat and smiled for the camera next to the fake beaver dam.
This time, she just said "Hi Bee-buh (beaver)," and patted it on the hiney.
Reagan's favorite part of the zoo was the playground! She and Cassidee had a BLAST going up the stairs...
...across the bridge...
... and down the slide OVER AND OVER. Check out the looks of pure joy on their faces. Too fun!

This one is my favorite b/c of Cass cheering Reagan on.
We can't wait to get the friends together again soon!!!


Marcia said...

Wow your zoo has way more toddler stuff then our FT. Worth zoo. We went on Sat. and Addison had a great time too! Reagan is so darn cute!!

allyo said...

Too cute! I always love seeing pictures of the two girls together. I can't wait until summer time, so we can visit some of our friends!

What is the trick to getting Reagan to brush her teeth?? Camden LOVES her toothbrush and LOVES to suck on it, but HATES brushing. I try brushing her teeth and she gets a serious case of lock jaw! I've almost lost a finger or two trying...

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

Oh how I love these girls! They are so very precious to me! I love friendships that span through the years and through the generations. We girls are so blessed aren't we!?!

Happy Monday to you! Love you

Melissa Taylor said...

I like how she's tapping the beaver's butt! Nice:) The girls are so cute together.

amie said...

You got some great pictures!!! Looks like you guys had so much fun!!

Amber said...

That's a pretty cute newborn! I love the pics of Cass and Reagan, they are so cute, love the matching pjs.

Tracy said...

the new cousin is so cute! they will for sure get into all sorts of trouble one of these days. maybe they will go around and sell rocks like chris and i did!

amazing to see how much those 2 girls have changed in one year. they grow so fast!

*Kendra* said...

Oh man! Why don't you live closer so we could do that all the time? I love the slide pictures! I just remember their little faces having SOOOO much fun!

Marli said...

the girls are soo cute! I cannot believe how big girl she looks, after only a few months

Jen Mall said...

Sweet new baby and fun pics of the zoo. Kendall kept looking at Reagan's pictures and saying who is that little one? They would love playing together and I would love to catch up with you!

Alison said...

It is SO great to hear from you! Of course I remember you. I will have to show Blake your blog! What a precious girl you have! Motherhood is just the best thing ever! Where are you guys living? I would love for our girls to meet! This is why I love blogging so much, it's so great to get back in touch with people!

Julie said...

You just can't believe how many of her looks and expressions look just like Noel. She is so precious and FUNNY...oh my. Miss you!