Friday, May 29, 2009


R and I go out this morning to play on her "playground," as she affectionately calls it. We found this guy right by the slide. Now, you can't tell how big he is from this pic, but he was BIG, even for a locust. She sees him, and says "Um.... Mommy? Is that a BUG?!" I said yes, but honestly, I had a hard time convincing her because it was quite a mutant.
So, I ask her what we should do, since she obviously didn't want to slide with him right there, just staring at us. Her reply...
"We could poke it."
I laugh outloud, then go get her a stick!
She got this close, then chickened out. I don't blame her. She says, "No Mommy, you poke it." Then we go back and forth... "No, YOU poke it!" "No, YOU poke it!" We are both cracking up at this point. Honestly, it felt like a comical situation that I would be in with a grown up girlfriend, not my 2 year old. It was and is still so funny to me!
Well, neither of us poked it. He gave up on us decided to get the heck outta dodge himself. Thankfully. I am not a bug-a-phobe, but I sure didn't want that bad boy flying his revenge at my face!

Big posts to follow this weekend....


Tracy said...

Ugh...I don't like bugs! I had the pleasure of killing a huge spider IN MY HOUSE yesterday! I kept gagging! gross!!!!

R was so funny suggesting that yall poke the bug :) ...and even funnier that neither one of you actually wanted to do it! :)

Amy said...

Oh, you girls are funny. This 2-3 year old age is hilarious. I would love to see R and Eva together, they would be hysterical! Hope all is well, love you and thinking of you always!