Thursday, October 02, 2008

Not Much to Report

Thanks to so many of you for asking about doctor's apppointments and Brooklyn updates. She is already so loved by so many, and it makes all this so much easier to go through for me. I'm sorry I never mentioned our last appt... it was fine, and kinda boring. No ultrasound or anything, they just weighed me (yuck) and measured my big belly, and listened to her heartbeat. Then said great, come again in two weeks. So we go again on Tuesday the 7th, and I don't know if they'll do another ultrasound at this one or not. But the doctor is supposed to have info for me about neurosurgeons we can meet with and if we can go tour the hospital where she'll be. So I look forward to that! Brooklyn is QUITE the mover these days... in fact, I was in bed over two hours last night before I could go to sleep because she would NOT be still! I do my very best to just love the fact that I feel her so much and thank God for all those kicks, but man, at 1:00am it is hard to do sometimes! But I feel all kinds of pointy joints poking me all day long, so that of course is great. Oh, and I am officially "grounded" to Houston... no leaving town until she gets here. Other than that, not much to report.
Had to write this story down about Reagan... she is obsessed with "ow-ees" right now. Wants a new bandaid for something (nothing) every 5 seconds. She will also use it as an excuse to need to delay bedtime... "but Mommy, my ow-ee on my thumb hurtin'... need new bandaid!" Anyways, two nights ago she tried that one about a hangnail on her thumb, so I just said that we would ask Jesus to help her ow-ee feel better in her night-night prayers. So we did. Then, last night as she sat down to pray before bed, the FIRST thing out of her mouth was "Dear Jesus, thank you my ow-ee on my thumb all better..." before she prayed for anything else. So precious. Leave it to my two year old to have to remind me to thank God for the little answers to prayers He gives us, not just the big ones. Guess those are my Thursday Thoughts for today... Love to all!

Didn't want to post without a few pics...
Here is Reagan showing off the rug we bought for Baby Brooklyn's room. I won't get a nursery done before she gets here, but I'm collecting stuff. She thought it was SO funny to try and carry this heavy thing around!
It would fall, she would try again and again... then gave up and just sat on it.
Here is her first major kid-sized mess... black crayon all over our living room wall. This picture does her work NO justice... it was EVERYWHERE and quite the masterpiece. We turned our backs for two seconds after her bath the other night, and WOW! She got to clean it up herself of course, after a lecture about coloring on paper ONLY! This is her Mr Clean Magic Eraser commercial... it takes off crayon in NO TIME!


Alli said...

Don't you just love how a hangnail can be the end all for a 2 year old and a bandaid cures everything? Joshua is doing the exact same thing now. It has gotten out of hand, so now my kisses have to do and I remind him that there has to be blood for a bandaid. Gotta love 2 year olds!

Can't wait to see what Brooklyn's room looks like from the rug Reagan carried around. I love those bright colors!

Marcia said...

Oh my R looks like such a BIG girl in the pics! So pretty! Thanks for the Brooklynn update glad all is well!

Tracy said...

she is so cute!!! such a stinker for coloring on the wall!! :)

i'm glad that the baby is doing good...the rug for her room is CUTE!! fun!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, how cute is her prayer that she remembered about her owee from the night before and she thanked him for making it all better!

Jennifer McClain said...

That's too funny!! Be very happy that it was crayon on the wall and not black marker on your son's floor!!! (Yes, we have artwork too...that did not come out) LOL!!

The Timberframer's Wife said...

Bandaids and vandalism is what being two years old is all about. My living room floor and the odd placement of a rug is proof this week. And there is no doubt that Reagan favors her mother!