Ok, first of all, I posted pictures below on the previous post, so don't forget to scroll down after reading this! But I have to update on Reagan's week and hopefully get some helpful hints from you all in blogworld.
Yesterday: went to the grocery store with R. The bakery there always has "yummies" for samples that she will eat while we shop. They have out cookies and croissants, so I get her a half of each, one for each hand. (That is how she likes it!) About 2 minutes later, in the cereal aisle while I am chatting with Susan on my cell, she starts coughing like crazy. I hang up, thinking what the heck?, and am patting her in the back repeatedly. Then... she projectile pukes. Seriously. All over her, all over me, all over my cart, in both my hands (you know the Mommy instinct is to catch it), and all over the floor. So now with two handfuls of it and a crying child, what do you do?! I flag down this guy and ask him to find someone to help me. They bring me paper towels and a trash can, and I try cleaning up as much as possible. It was awful. Mom got onto me for cleaning up the floor, said it wasn't my job and I should have just left it!! But I did, didn't know what else to do. We proceed to the bathroom at the front to clean up better. I leave my cart outside and go in to wash both of us as much as possible. I strip off her yucky shirt while she is STILL crying (I have no idea at this point what is going on and my blood pressure is probably through the roof!) and am washing my hands, and I glance over at my crying child who is clawing her face off! Her entire chest, neck, and face is COVERED in hives. Just like Hitch. I of course TOTALLY freak and think think think what has just happened. Then, I remember the yummies. I grab her and run out to my cart and take a bite out of the cookie.... the peanut butter cookie.
Now, up until this point I have for some reason shielded Reagan from all things peanut. Now I find it a God thing, but before I just thought I would wait until she was bigger just in case. This was the first taste of anything peanut, and I had no idea it was that kind of cookie. Picture this with me... I proceed to RUN through the store, pushing my cart with my mostly naked crying child and myself still covered in puke and race to the pharmacist. Psycho mom who grabs a bottle of kids' benadryl and runs to the pharmacy counter frantically yelling "I NEED THE PHARMACIST NOW PLEASE!!!" She comes and I am dialing my pedi while telling her I need to know the dosage for my 22-month-old and a syringe. She was so helpful and got both. I finally get the receptionist at our pedi and she says to give her the Benadryl and "watch her" to see if things get better or worse. If worse, then "probably should take her to an urgent care place for an epi shot." That sounds fine at the time, I hang up, then I think, "watch her for what? Watch her until she chokes and dies?!" So as we leave and she is still itching like crazy and all swollen up with hives but thankfully breathing fine, I get on the phone. I call David, I call Jeremy (thank God for paramedic friends with a calm voice!), I call Julie, anyone I can think of to help me calm down. About 30 minutes after taking the meds they started working.
We went in this morning to the pedi to "confirm" that I have that kid who is allergic to peanuts. They won't do official allergy testing until she is over 2, but for now, that is where we are. We are now carrying epi-pens everywhere we go, got all the instructions on that, and I have been online reading info on this all day. I am SO thankful for God's watchcare yesterday... I mean, how awesome that this happened while I was at a store with the right medicine and a pharmacist on hand! It will be a new prayer everyday for me that God protects her from this. It's literally deadly, and it literally scares the crap out of me. So we will appreciate your prayers as we start to really pay attention to food labels and stuff. If you have kids, nieces, nephews, best friends, whatever that have dealt with this allergy, PLEASE give any helpful advice. I think I am still in kinda freak-out mode, but we will get through it. Poor baby will never have a PB&J sandwich! And the rest of us here probably will have to give them up to.... yucky.
So, that is my story. We started out the week with what we thought was a broken leg. We go back for a major allergic reaction. What a Week!!! Ugh....
Now, on a lighter note, go look at her fun pics below if you haven't already! :)