Sunday, January 02, 2011

Conversation I had to write down...

 Oh, how I love this girl SO much!
Writing this down for my "scrapbook"....
All evening, Reagan had been pretending she was a "different" Reagan who had different parents, but then came to live with our family.  No idea.  Anyways, at bedtime she starts telling me how her other dad, John, puts her to bed at her other house by himself.  I asked, "Where did you learn the name John?"  She says, "You know, Mommy, from John 3:16." 
Duh  :) 
She recites it to me.
Then I asked her if she remembered what eternal life meant.  She said no, so I start saying that for people who decide to make Jesus their best friend forever, Jesus will come back and take them to heaven.  She asked, "For people who don't decide to make Jesus their best friend, they don't get to go to heaven?"
We talked about that sadness for a bit, then she asks if Daddy, Brooklyn, and I were going to heaven with her.  I said YES, that Daddy and I decided to make Jesus our best friend a long time ago, and that we pray everyday that she and Brooklyn decide that too.  She then tells me that she (Reagan) decided when she was 1 year old that Jesus would be her best friend forever.  :)
Then the best part.
"Mommy, will we get a new house in heaven?"
"Well, I bet so.  Jesus said that He is preparing a MANSION for us.  A mansion is a GIGANTIC house that is huge and beautiful." 
She goes, "YOU MEAN WITH SPARKLES AND RAINBOWS!?!?  And flowers and crowns and BRACELETS?!?  That will be awesome."

I pray God keeps her faith (and mine!) this simple.  I am so thankful for her sweet spirit! 
Tonight in her prayer she thanked God that she gets to make a tiara tomorrow (a Christmas present-craft she wants to pull out in the morning), that she hopes she gets some mail, thankful she had a good Christmas, thankful for Jesus and His birthday, and thankful that God loves her so much. 
At this point I'm crying.

So, I had to write it down....  I'm sure I will have to come back and re-read tomorrow when she starts her backtalk or griping at her sister or something.  :)  Oh, how I love her.


Youngs365 said...

oh how I love her! Keep up the good work David and Jodi--she's a keeper :)

Amber said...

There's no way that little girl back talks...