Friday, February 25, 2011

Beautiful Day

75 degrees
Cloudless sky
Slight Breeze

We spent several hours just playing and picnic-ing in the backyard today.  It was just so gorgeous, and made my spirits soar.  So fun.

 My beautiful big girl.  Both of these pictures are some of the most natural ones I've taken of her.

 Self-portrait attempt.  Those are hard with my big camera!

 Attempt #2.
I took this one without looking too.  But I just love it.  She was walking around playing, then just came over and lay down in my lap.  
 Then, I had them both laying in my lap.  Here is my vantage point:  perfection.

The videos are not my friend... the ones that I WANT to post get "rejected."  So these are the outtakes, but the only ones that blogger would take.  It's cool, I guess. 

Thank you LORD for just a fabulous day!  One of the greatest things about Texas... spring that starts in Feb!

1 comment:

Lisa @ Heaven Sent said...

Picnics in February?!! I am so jealous. Spring can't some soon enough for us! Love the videos too. Brooklyn is doing her signing so well!