Thursday, July 24, 2008

So, Here Goes....

I am going to attempt to put into words what our rollercoaster for the last 24 hours or so has been... so bear with me. I know many of you have already gotten the "word", so THANK YOU for walking this faith journey with us already. For those who are just reading this, well, here goes... and I'm sorry it'll take awhile.
First of all, we are JOYFUL beyond belief to announce the upcoming arrival of our new DAUGHTER... Brooklyn Hope Beaver. It makes me smile just to see her new name, so I colored it! :) Reagan got to see her on screen with us yesterday, and it was fun to hear her start to talk about her new baby sister. The alarming news came after, although the second-girl news might be called "alarming" to some degree in David's world. :)
We could tell by the faces of the tech and the radiologist at the ultrasound that something was up, but he wouldn't tell us. Literally, didn't speak a WORD to us other than that he was making at appt with my OB for the same day (yesterday). So they send us straight to my OB with no news at all, but we did go ahead and make arrangements for Reagan for the day. (Thank you SO much to James, Mary, and our awesome family to coming to our rescue!) We sit and wait at my OB's office for awhile so they could squeeze us in, and she finally comes in to break the news... she had spoken with the radiologist and he saw multiple abnomalities with the baby. From what he told her, she said the pregnancy may not be viable, and it was evident that Brooklyn would not survive her issues. She made us an appt with the perinatologist for 4pm yesterday (it was about 11am at the time) and said we would love him and he would explain in more details what we were looking at. I love my OB, and at this time I am crying, she is crying and hugging me, David is crying. We've been given the worst news ever and have to wait 5 hours for it to all be hashed out again. So for that span of time, we made some hard phone calls, and then sat and hugged and prayed and cried and hugged and prayed and cried until it was time to go back.
By the time we saw the specialist, it was 4:45 and I was dreading it. Seriously, I am very pregnant and emotional anyway! But, our prayers of those yucky hours were instantly answered... her issues were not nearly showing as bad as the radiologist had seen. Was he wrong that morning? I don't know of course, but I am saying God changed it by his grace. Period. Anyways, to the details... Brooklyn does have spina bifida. Our new doctor is certain she will survive this, but she will have a rough road ahead with this condition. Bless her heart. Ok, so. Lord willing, I will be able to carry her to term, then she will immediately have surgery on her spine to repair the issue after the csection. She also is showing fluid on her brain, and they will need to put in a shunt for that. But he is also confident that the shunt will be no problem for her at all, and she will have perfectly normal brain function, IQ, etc. There is no way to predict what kind of physical impairments will be a result of the spinal issue, if any. BUT, he kept telling us he was "cautiously optimistic" for her outcome... that it was about 50/50 that she could come out of this a perfectly healthy, normal kid (her particular spinal "thing" that I don't know the medical term for was one of the best kind to have... I mean, if you gotta have it). The other 50% would mean she has some sort of physical issues that could be a broad spectrum of things. And we can deal with that if/when it comes, but we are praying for the first!!! In the word of sweet Linda F... "we'll take that 50% and add God to it and then see what happens!!!" :) Heck yeah!
So, by the time it was all said and done, spina bifida and all that entails was good news! Much better than the first news. We were given Hope in those hours of prayers yesterday afternoon, so Hope was added to her name yesterday. :) We have a long road ahead of us before and after she is brought to our family, but I am thrilled to know that God has gone before us on this road. My emotions are beyond nuts right now, but we're ok. We ask (beg) for your prayers for Brooklyn over the next few months. I believe with ALL my heart that God can heal our girl. He. Can. So that is our prayer. However, we also know His Will is beyond us, so if that is not His perfect plan for Brooklyn, then I look forward to knowing all He will do through our girl and her challenges. David and I ask for your prayers as well... this was obviously not our ideal plan, but we ask for courage and wisdom and strength and peace to take the place of our fears.

Thank you ahead of time for your prayers. There are things short and long term to pray for specifically:
1) that God heals this baby!!!
2) the amnio test results from yesterday come back perfectly, and there are no more complications than what we already know
3) for our doctors, my OB Dr. Wynne, specialist Dr. Kirshon, and Brooklyn's surgeon we haven't met yet
4) for Reagan, that normalcy will continue to surround her as much as possible
5) for continued peace and comfort for all of us

I will update of course as much as we find out along the way, but will also continue to blog as much of normal life too. I mean, Big Sister Reagan will still have some great stuff to document!! Again, we are so blessed to have so many prayers for our family. It has made me ask so many times "how does someone without Jesus do it?!" We are thankful for our Great Physician and for our fabulous Christian community... may you all be blessed by our sweet Brooklyn Hope!! :)
Love- D, J, & R


Ashley said...

Crying and Praying for you. I love Brooklyn already and know that God is with her in a very powerful way right now.

It is so hard to trust and have faith in God's plans for family, but we do know He loves your family and will prosper you and give sweet Brooklyn a future.

sallye said...

Oh Jodi, I am so thankful for your faith. Our God is amazing and he will do more than any of us can imagine in our lives. Rusty and I will be praying for you and David, for strenth faith and courage and that Brooklyn will be completely healed. She is coming into so a wonderful family. Remember the promise of Prov 3:5-6. We love you. Sallye xo

Marcia said...

Jodi honest I dont know what to say other then I love your strong faith!! You are 100% right in saying God is amazing!!! Please knonw that the Hensley's will be praying for your family! We love you guys!!!

Tracy said...

Your words are amazing. I really admire your faith and strength. I know we will all be blessed by going through this journey with you.

We will be praying for your sweet family daily!

And yes, we will be checking your blog for R stories as well! ...Sweet big sister :)

Julie said...

Praying faithfully for the GOOD 50%!! I love you so much. I am right here with you as a Prayer Warrior for Baby Brooklyn. I believe God began His healing process between your doctor visits. I will continue to believe that He will take her healing to completion.

Stacia said...

Jodi...I am praying for you and your sweet family! Amber sent me an email this morning and I was just heartbroken. I was so glad you posted about it though...the more people who know and can pray the better! God can and will do wonderus things. Keep your Faith strong and hold on tight to your Christian family! I love her is precious. Sending lots of blogbuddy love your way!!

JoAnn said...

Dear Jodi:
Its not often I'm able to say 'I know what you're going through' but I say it to you. I have a 20 year old fantastic son, born with spina bifida. Life has been a wonderful journey with Bryan and he's the joy of my life. Perfect in every way, only gets around differently than some (wheelchair) and is shunted (hydrocephalus). He starts college in a few weeks and has a full, rich and happy life. All of you are in my prayers. Feel free to email if you want. There is hope...and joy ahead. God bless, Jae

Unknown said...

Wow, that's hard. It sounds like you're on the right track. There is nothing you can do but keep yourself healthy, follow doctors orders and most importantly pray.

We'll be praying for you and your girl.

*Kendra* said...

Not much else I can say to you except that we love, love, love yall so much. Cass prayed for baby "Brookie" last night (hope you don't mind her nick name). Can't wait to see you....

Pearson Family said...

We are praying in this house. hang in there. we love you!

Alli said...

Jodi, first of all, thank you for taking the time to write all of that out for your friends and family to understand. You know our God is amazing and that all of us will be continually praying for all 4 of you. Take a deep breath and handle everything one day at a time.

I love you!

Anonymous said...


Wanted to let you know that our house is praying hard for your family. God can do great things and we will be lifting Brooklyn up to him.


Amber said...

Jodi, thanks for typing it all out for us. We started praying for you, D,R and Miss Brooklyn--last night. (We didn't know Brooklyn's name until today though! Love it!)

While I was reading it and came across the 50% I just thought that God can do an awful lot with 50%.

We'll get some people in Florida praying for you guys too. Much Love.

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

The song that is running through my head all day today "He is able more than able to accomplish what concerns me today. He is able more than able to handle anything that comes my way. He is able more than able, to do much more than I could ever dream, He is able more than able to make me what He wants me to be."

I tried downloading it on ITUNES to send to you but it sounded so much like a flashback to the 80's that I couldn't handle it. Trust me, the words are good but the sound...not so much! :)

Michael and Katie said...

Oh Mom called this morning and told me and I have been thinking about and praying for you guys all day. I just sat here and cried as I read your post to Michael. Our God is amazing and we will pray for the healing of precious little Brooklyn. We love you all!

Hollis said...


We are praying for you all - and God will do wonders, I know it. Just FYI - Dr. Kirshon was my perinatologist when Cate had some possible issues, and he was great! You are in good hands! :-)

April Carrasco said...

We are praying for your family.

Anonymous said...

I love you and I am praying for you. My old church is praying for you now, and my new church will be on Sunday. Have I told you that I love you? I love you. :)

Anonymous said...

I am so praying that your hearts can find peace as you go through this journey. you can do all things with God and God can do all things. we love you, Becky B.

Anonymous said...

Big {{{HUGS}}} and prayers to the whole family. We'll hope for the "good" 50% and pray for strength, calm and peace knowing that the Great Physician is in charge of Brooklyn's care.

I am reminded of the quote about embracing your challenges and hurts because they produce endurance and refine the imperfections of faith into something more pure and perfect. But sometimes one would like to say, Dear Lord, can't you leave me just a little more IMperfect? But if any family can meet those hurts and challenges, it is yours. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers every day as Brooklyn makes her way from under your heart into your arms.

Jennifer K said...

We will be praying for sweet Brooklyn and your entire family. May you feel surrounded by love at this time.

Rachel said...

Your faith and strength amaze me, and I know God is already using this situation for His glory by letting you be a light and example to those around you in your time of struggle. I love you and I love that baby girl and we will be praying for you guys every step of the way.

Sarah said...

We are praying for you guys! Much love to you!

Hollee said...

We've seen the power of prayer in the lives of our children. We'll be praying for you all! Also know...we've been giving many percentages on our road and God is MUCH bigger than percentages!

Kimberly said...

Jodi, David, Reagan,


Love you,
The Holmes

Judi said...

Like Susan, one of my favorite Acappella songs keeps running through my mind -- "Now to Him who is able to do, immeasurably more, than all we ask or imagine, according to his purpose, that is at work withing us..." I love that verse, and it has often brought me comfort. Unlike Susan, I have no idea how to download that for you in a comment! Mike and I will be continually praying for you.

Julie said...


Alli said...

It is amazing to hear you talk about all of this because your unwavering faith is so evident. We will be praying for your sweet girl & for the rest of you. Love you so much!

Being a Star said...

My mom told me yesterday. God is amazing. Your faith is strong. We will be praying for little brooklyn and your family.
We love you!!!

Shanta said...

Hey Jodi, Ashley shared with me about what you guys are going through. We are praying, dear! Good luck with the appointments and we pray that all goes very smoothly! There are so many folks that care about Brooklyn Hope!

Unknown said...

Oh sweet Jodi....I love her name!! But am brought to tears for all that you had to go through and the helplessness you must feel right now. I know God has control over this sweet little baby girl and he does amazing work when we let him. I am and will be continually praying for Brooklyn, you and your family. I love you, Chris

Mary said...

We'll be praying for sweet Brooklyn and all of you everyday during this journey. Your faith is such a great example to us all - hold on to that - I know you will. We love you.

Melissa Taylor said...

If anyone can handle this, you can. You are an amazing woman, Jodi. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there, and do not lose HOPE. Your beautiful baby girl will be what God wants her to be - don't doubt that.

Aleks said...

Jodi, I have been praying for you, David, Brooklyn, and Reagan since Mary told me and will continue to do so. I just wanted you to know you are being prayed for consistently in Dallas. Love, OLA

linda ford said...

Jodi and David: As I said..."give me 50% and GOD everytime"! Tim and I will be praying for Brooklyn Hope daily. (love the name)... And for you two and Reagan. HE can do amazing things...more than we can ask for or imagine.

Love you,

Mandy said...

You guys are going to get through this. God is amazing and He will guide you through your fears and give you strength, courage, and most of all HOPE! I love your daughter's name! You will be in my prayers.

The Timberframer's Wife said...

Like everyone else, we will be praying for your precious little girl and you and David and Reagan. We love y'all!

Sarah said...

I will be praying too. God is a miracle worker and I'm praying for one in your little Brooklyn. Your faith is beautiful and was so important in me forming mine.

Unknown said...

Jodi- We are all praying for you all! Little Brooklyn will be in our every prayer!

The Brown Family said...

Jodi, You guys are in my prayers right now and will continue to be for a long time. You and David are strong people and will show God to all of the people that you encounter during this journey. Love you guys.

tleaf10 said...

Hey Jodi, I was reading and crying and thought back so many times to my sister's pregnancy with Janey. You will NEVER know the impact you will have/have had on people through this. It is good to hear that things looked up after the initial exam. I will be praying for you and your family. Brooklyn is lucky to have you and your family (and church family).
-Terri Lee

Natalie said...

Jodi, May you and David be strengthened by God's hand, encouraged by his Holy Spirit, and be comforted by the fact that Brooklyn has been on Jesus' mind since before she was placed in your womb. We love you and will pray for each of you as you continue on this journey together as a family.

Emily said...

Hey Jodi- we are praying like crazy for Brooklyn and for you, D, and R. We love her like our own already, if you still want to trade. :) Love you much- Em

Alyssa said...

Praying for your sweet Brooklyn and all those that love her...
Alyssa (Core) O'Rear

The McCarter Family said...

I was Lindsay Welch and we went to ACU together. I'm from Paris. I read your blog from time to time and want you to know that you and your family will be in our constant prayers! Romans 8:28 & Jer. 29:11!!! God bless!

Melissa said...

I am a long time friend of Marli's and read the news on her blog today. I just wanted to let you know that you and Brooklyn are in our daily prayers. I am expecting a baby and I cannot imagine the fear you are feeling right now. Remember to put all of your faith in our God...He is good!!!! I agree with your statement, "How do people survive without faith in God?"

God bless you and your family!
Melissa Forey (Carnes)

Jen Mall said...

I am praying this is one of those times where we get to see God heal Brooklyn completely! I am so amazed (yet, not surprised) by your wonderful faith! I love you all and will be praying!

Anonymous said...

I sent you an e-mail before I read this and again I say what a blessed little girl baby Brooklyn Hope is to have you and David for parents. What is it-faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain so I say we all combine have way more than that so 'mountain move'. I love you all Barbie

Anonymous said...

jodi and family...i work for clint and rachel spencer and met you at their office in paris. my prayers are with yall and your precious baby brooklyn!

lisa walker

Adam and Kristen (or doodle for some) said...

Oh man, Jodi! I can't imagine getting that news AND dealing with pregnancy hormones, but I am in awe of your positive attitude, and I know God has strengthened you! Adam and I are praying and know God will heal sweet Brooklyn!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jodi and David - We are praying for you guys and for sweet Brooklyn. Continue to rely on your faith and trust in God and the strength you have built in Him. I pray that God wraps His arms around you so tightly during this time and want you to remember that He has given you your Christian family to rely on during times like this so remember that first and foremost! My heart aches to know what you went through yesterday but I pray and know that God will be glorified through all of this - whatever His plan is - whether we understand it or not. Love you!

Sonia and Vijay

Damon and Amy said...


I have been reading your blog for months but finally felt compelled to write. My eyes are filled with tears but my heart is filled with hope!! Just thinking about how much things improved in those few hours that you waited for the doctor gives me goosebumps. Love you and will be anxious for more updates. Blessings-Amy (Thrailkill)

Kacy said...

I love you and am praying for you, dear friend. Thank you for sharing your story so that we all can take part in the journey with you and witness God's glory. Wish I could hug you tight right now.

Anonymous said...

God will never give you more than you can handle. And he ALWAYS keeps his word.
Much love and prayers,
The Gary Lowrey Family

Blake, Kenzie, Wyatt and Walker said...

Jodi, Today Kaylee called me and told me the news so we could start praying praying for your family. I haven't read any blogs lately so I'm glad she called to let me know. We are praying for you, your family and Brooklyn! I'm also spreading the word here in East Texas to pray for yall. I cant wait to see pics of Brooklyn when she arrives!

mandiandjosh said...

Hey Jodi, I am not sure if you remember me or not. We met a few times during my one summer at camp. I found your blog through Hollee F. Just wanted to let you know that my family in Nashville will be praying for your sweet baby girl.

Anonymous said...

Jodi, I'm Linda Ford's sister-in-law...Know your family and wanted you to know I'll be praying for your sweet Brooklyn. God bless you guys---Mary Seat

~*~Candice~*~ said...

We are saying prayers for yall. We love you all!!

Candice, Kyle, and Eva

Jen said...

Having lived through that awful moment of "Something's wrong" on an ultrasound, my heart goes out to you and your family. God is amazing and does amazing things in ALL situations, no matter the outcome. Your little Brooklyn will be in our prayers for healing. You and your family will be in our prayers for an unwaivering confidence that God conquers all.
--Jen (Roseberry) Foster

Krystal Cummins said...

I just want you to know that my family is praying for you all. We said a special prayer at a family gathering this weekend for little Brooklyn. (Such a cute name BTW) You are such a strong person and I know God will give you all that you need to get through this uncertain time.

Anonymous said...

David and Jodi,

I learned of your scary news in the blog of my sweet niece Rachel. I am already praying for complete healing for Brooklyn Hope. Our God is amazing and so full of love for His children. I'm praying also for extra measures of strength and faith for you.

May God bless you beyond all you can even imagine to ask.


Got Faith? said...

Hi, I'm Meagan, a friend of Rachel's. I read her blog and was prompted to read your story. Just letting you know that my family and I will be praying for you. He is such a good God, and I know that little Brooklyn's face is continually before Him! We'll be anxious to hear about any updates!
Jeff, Meagan, and Faith Nutt

Anonymous said...

Jodi you and you're family will be an amazing testament to God's love and faithfulness through all of this. I will be praying for you guys!

karen said...

You've got some prayers coming from me sista.

Sarah said...

I found your blog through Rachel's and will add your family to my prayer list.

Rachel said...

i have not been blog lurking;) in a while...just read this post, and wanted to tell you that you and your family are most definitely in our constant prayers! i pray that God fills y'all with His amazing peace and that He heals sweet brooklyn completely!
~ rachel

Sarah said...

Just checked your blog for the first time in a while. First of all congrats on the miracle that is each life that God sends our way, including Brooklyn. Our family will be praying for a miracle and grace and calm for you and David in the midst of the storm. May HE hold you close to His heart. We love you!

-Sarah (and Dyl) :o)