Monday, March 31, 2008

Potty Prize

Question for all you experienced Mommies out there: is my Reagan old enough for potty training? I keep thinking "surely not", but then again, I don't want to miss the opportunity to start if she is acting ready! We've started sitting on her potty every night before her bath. At first it was to make sure she didn't poop in the tub! But recently she will tinkle every time I sit her up there. And she gets a "potty prize" = a few m&ms. This has happened every day for over a week now. This morning, she was watching tv after she got up, then she asked for a potty prize. I asked if she needed to tinkle in the potty, and she said yes and ran to the bathroom. And she did it!! Of course, I think she really just wanted the chocolate. :) I would prefer not to give her candy every time, but it doesn't seem like she is big enough to understand a chart with stickers and stuff, but maybe so. What do I know?! So, some of you that have done this before... when did you know to start? What signs do I look for? Or should I just continue to keep her interested until she is bigger? She is only 20 months, and I would love to keep her a baby. But I would also love to head towards no diapers!!!


*Kendra* said...

No clue! Let me know what you come up with your tinkle queen. My kid mostly just toots and laughs about it! :)

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

jodi, when I was a nanny one summer the little girl was 18 months and started to potty regularly on the toilet. the mom told me to go with it since her daughter is showing signs of wanting to. so we did and we had a successful time.

keep rewarding her and see what happens, girls are quicker than boys at the potty process...all this info comes from my child psych 101. :) not real life experience, so take it with a grain of salt! but i would think if that she is already showing signs of knowing when to go and what not, then I would go with it. but boy she needs to quit growing! they grow up way too fast!!!

love you, keep me posted

Krystal said...

Hey Jodi,

I would do what you are doing, as long as you don't pressure her and expect her to be able to it. She really is little, but you never know.

I'll just tell you that we thought Hannah was ready to start the whole process at about 19 months. She was doing the same type of things to indicate she wanted to use the potty. Either she wasn't ready, or we pushed too hard, or maybe both, but it did not go well. I think I asked "do you have to go potty?" 10+ times a day for over a year. She wasn't completely trained until just after she turned three. All the sudden it just clicked for her one day.

I would just say don't pressure her or yourself and you'll be fine. It's ok to stop if it's not working.

Mandy said...

I have not a clue either! Ella has started to say "tee, tee" when we go to the bathroom and she wants to sit on the potty, so we pretend potty with her right now. I just bought her a little potty to pretend with and she likes to sit on it when we go. Like I said, we are in the pretend potty stage right now and I'm just going to do that for a while. Maybe you could start practicing playing with stickers and then she would enjoy putting stickers on her chart, but you have to do whatever works for her. I've also heard not to press it too hard either. Just take her when she asks. I hope Ella is easy. I'm going to wait to really start potty training until this summer when I am home full time. Good Luck!

Amber said...

If she is interested let her do it! I used m & m's w/ Noah and I NEVER wanted to use food as a reward. But I always gave him like 1 or 2, and then he got a few more for making poop.

Eventually he'd just go when he had to w/o telling me and be in such a hurry to get back to his fun time that he'd forget to ask for the treat....and trust me, the boy loves his food.

I think it's fine, I wouldn't worry about it. He was closer to 3 before I started, I was in a hurry to get Sage trained but not Noah so much. We only did the candy thing for about a week, he picked it up super fast.

Alli said...

Sounds like she and you are on the right track! Who knows, maybe she will be those that trains really early. I have a few friends with kids that did. Sammi didn't seem interested until she was 2 1/2 and it "clicked" at 3. But every kid is different! Just don't push it, she will guide you and let you know if she is ready or not.

You are doing a great job!

Julie said...

The only thing I can say is make sure. It's too hard to backtrack. It's too hard to tell them..."Tinkle goes in the potty. Your panties stay dry." And then say, "Never mind, tinkle in your diaper." With that said, if she's ready GO FOR IT!!! NO diapers is WONDERFUL!! This is the first time I have only had one in diapers since Aiden was born and I am LOVING it!! Also, I am no expert. None of my children were trained until they were at least 3 years old. But they aren't charter members of the MENSA club like Reagan is :) So, there you go... If you are ready, do it!!

Unknown said...

Although my own 2.5 year old has absolutely no interest in potty training, I have heard of a whole lot of girls who essentially train themselves. From what their mothers have said, I would definitely agree with the comment about not switching back and forth between diapers and undies. It just confuses them. Does Reagan like Elmo? The Elmo Potty movie is really good. That is the only reason why my own child even desires to sit on the potty now and again. Oh, and my MIL has potty-trained at least 4 of her nieces, and she always used M&Ms as a reward. Good luck! Pray that my child is potty-trained before he starts kindergarten...

Hollie Reese said...

Hey, I think the best time to start is when they are ready and she sounds like she might be. I know many kids who were potty trained early. You could always try and if it is not working then just stop. I bet once she gets the hang of it she will drop the food reward. Keep us posted!

Tracy said...

i too reward with food...2 jellybeans. whatever works!! :)

good luck. we are still working on bryson...i hear it takes boys longer so i have no advice to offer :)

tleaf10 said...

Hey Jodi, I started my niece potty-training when she was that age. It didn't completely work for a few months but she REALLY didn't like pee or poop to be on her. It didn't take her long to figure out that if she did it in the potty, it wouldn't really touch her at all :) Rubber pants are awesome!

Mauri said...

well, our baby was potty trained at a very early age by just rubbing his nose in his pee, so maybe that would help! But maybe that only works for little ones of the 4 legged variety! :)
p.s. love the new blog header. very cute!