We had a big week last week, keeping the little girl quite busy and ultimately quite tired. This post is rather long, seeing that we had a lot going on! Thankfully this is Spring Break week, so she and I both have the week off from PeeWeeSchool and get to rest and get back on schedule. But I thought I would show off what we have been up to!
When Reagan reads her friend Roselyn's blog, she always gets to see pics of her little boyfriend. Well, this is nothing official ("yet", Reagan says), but the parents have HIGH hopes for this relationship! We went to hang out at the Isbells, and Brandon and Reagan got to have loads of fun together. The dumb parents didn't take the cameras to the park, so I don't have pics of them in the swings! But later the kids had fun playing on the floor for awhile before bed. (much to Emily's and my dismay, we didn't get the kids in the tub together. Next visit...)
The fun began. Seriously, we didn't pose a single one of these pictures! Here, Brandon is showing Reagan how to work his toy.
B- "See Reagan, you turn the knobs like this!"
Reagan decided to eat one of Brandon's toys.
B- "hey, can I have that back?"
R- "sure! Here ya go!"
R- "Just kidding! Fooled ya!"B- "Mom, did you see what she did?"
B- "guess I'll have to just play with this one again. Bummer."
R- "I'm sorry, Brandon. If I hold your hand will you forgive me?"
B- "Absolutely not! See how THIS feels when I rip out your eyeball!"

Later last week, Reagan's German uncle came to meet her for the first time. This is Chris, and he lived as an exchange student with the Beavers in high school. This is his first visit to the states since she has been born, so James and Brenna brought him over for dinner to meet the little girl.
Aunt Brenna makes funny faces!!
Chris and Reagan really liked each other a lot. She hung out with him for a long time, letting him hold her even while I was in the room (which is a big deal these days).

Then last weekend we went to the Metroplex for a party to welcome Reagan's new little cousin Noel. Unfortunately it was a farewell party too since they are moving to Virginia. We'll miss you guys! Hurry home to Texas!! Here, Adley and Corbin are getting their first look at TINY Noel. Julie and I didn't get pics of the two "Noels" together. What were we thinking!?!?!?! Next time I guess. Isn't she so cute!?
Then we got a family picture made (at a studio) with my whole family. Thus the matching shirts here. I'll show them off later. But this pic was too cute of Corbin with Reagan. He loves her so much, and it is ADORABLE to watch!
That night we went to my other cousin Kimberly's wedding. Busy weekend!!! Anyways, Adley and Reagan got the most precious matching dresses from Grandmommy! You'll see this dress again in Easter pics.
This was Reagan's first time to wear jewelry. She has on her silver name bracelet, but you can't see it that great with the picture this small. But she LOVED it!
THEN we took Reagan over to see Grammy and Pop for the afternoon. Pop was "helping" her eat her dinner by opening up wider than she did! She then went with Grammy to take a bath, and I was all armed and ready to photograph. However, the little girl did NOT cooperate and fussed the whole time. Not quite the photo op! So Grammy, she says she is so sorry and will take a raincheck on the photos!!
In addition to all of this, she learned to pick up food and feed herself last week. Thank goodness for Gerber puffs!! It is just so fun to see how much she learns so quickly! At first, she had a hard time getting them in the mouth. But after like a day, she was a pro. She is just getting so big so fast!!!
She almost always picks one up with one hand, switches it to the other hand, then puts it in her mouth. Makes me crack up!
"Did you see that, Mommy? I did it!"
Just wanted to show this pic because she got distracted by the tv and the puff got stuck in her neck rolls. :)
This coming weekend, the Brooms are coming to visit. Rest assured that Kendra and I will have PLENTY of pics of the girls together to share!! Hope your week last week was as great as ours!!
You guys have been crazy busy! I loved your captions. Too funny! Also, the matching dresses are SO cute!
Hey Jodi,
Enjoying being in on a little part of your life. Reagan is a beautiful girl!
Thinking of you,
She is so cute! It is great when they can feed themselves...but the mess begins!!!
She is so cute! It is great when they can feed themselves...but the mess begins!!!
Adley's a cutie love to get her in bed
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