Fun Weekend
I was so sad when they left. The Brooms came and got to stay until Monday, and upon leaving, I kinda went into a little mini-depression. Ok, that may be exaggerating, but I was so sad. Just reminded me of how many of my friends I miss! Anyways, after a really fun weekend together, I had so many pictures that it was nearly impossible to pick which ones needed posting. But I tried. I am sure Kendra has good ones too, so please feel free to click on her link and see more! I am SURE that is what everyone wants to do, right?!?! :) We went to the zoo, went to church, the boys played golf, Kendra and I did some shopping, the girls played and played... it was just so much fun.I am hating the fact that we won't be able to make Cassidee's party this weekend (Happy Birthday tomorrow, sweet girl!), so I made (or attempted to make!) a cake for her for a mini-party at our house.
She totally went for the sprinkles. Reagan enjoyed a lick or two of her fingers, but Cass went all out. Couldn't quite blow out the candle by herself though.
This was the beginning of the cake experience...
And this was the end! Reagan only had a little icing on the corner of her mouth, so I didn't show it because she looked like a wuss next to this picture!
Here is the damage that was done!
Reagan still hasn't quite figured out the crawling thing. She can go backwards, but not forwards. Jeremy got down and tried to help her out... taught her a thing or two.
Her reward for her hard work on was a flight around the living room!
Saturday we hit the Houston Zoo for a few hours. I had never been before, and I was kinda impressed! (After the San Diego trip, I didn't think I would find much to like at any other zoo, but it was great!) Reagan had to glance at the map and tell us where to go first.
So we went to the giraffes first. There was a sweet baby one nursing with his mama, but I didn't get the camera out in time to catch it.
This may be my favorite pic of the weekend. I am no photographer at all, but I caught a sweet daddy-daughter shot.
This is a pretty good shot too. :)
At the exhibit to see the eagles, there was a fake-eagle's nest. Here are the baby eagles in their matching blue-eyed-girl shirts.
After walking around a bit, the mama's had to take a potty break and the girls needed a little refreshment.
Pretty girl!
The flowers everywhere were gorgeous! Had to pose for a cheesy family pic.
Several of the animals were behind glass. We got the girls out of their packs for this one since there was a "floor" to stand on. They were intrigued by the otters!!
Cassidee wanted to slide, or maybe Kendra wanted her to! Reagan did it too... her first slide! The picture didn't turn out though... bummer.
Baby Beaver with the fake Beavers!!
The only animals in the whole place that got a reaction out of Reagan were the prairie dogs... of all things! She cracked up at them!
These sweet girls are DESTINED to be best friends! (Along with Roselyn of course... wish she could have been here too!)
Before the ride home, Cass needed to take a drive by herself to clear her head. She saw this open field and took off! It is so funny to see her little self on that thing!
Sleepy girls after a long day at the zoo (Reagan was already out.)
Busy day at the zoo meant a need for baths. They had fun together!! This pic reminds me of how big Reagan's head is!
It's about time! I couldn't wait to see the pics with the girls, saw it on Kendra's first since she is johnny on the spot with the blog. They are soooo cute, I just love seeing them all grow up together. Great times!
It sounds like you guys had a fun weekend! It is always fun when friends come to visit. I love Reagan in her hat!
By the way, Jackson and I have a membership to the Houston Zoo, so if you ever want to go back, let me know. We love going to the zoo, but Jackson especially loves the children's zoo! Did you see the baby elephant, too? We make Mac a priority when we go!
Oh my goodness! I keep re-living each part of the weekend when I look at the blog. SOOO Fun! Thanks again--let's get Roselyn and do it again soon!
We love the otters too! They are so neat to watch. Looks like yall had a great time together! Hope you have many more soon.
Kendra S. :)
Great pictures! The girls looked adorable in their matching t-shirts.
Sweet girls! It looks like y'all had so much fun together, and how special it will be for the girls to be friends from the very beginning!
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