Thursday, May 08, 2008

My thoughts today are really simple. Well, if I were honest, they probably are everyday. But I have been in prayer all day today for a lifelong friend in scary surgery. For several years now, I have been in prayer for friends whose deepest hearts' desire was to be parents. I am in awe this week of God's answering my prayers. Little ole me. There are so many times where I personally have been on my knees begging the Lord for an answer where He just simply said, OK. I got that OK bigtime this week, and man, can our God be any sweeter?! My friend's cancer was successfully removed today! Other dear friends got the positive result pregnancy test this week for the first time in over 3 years of hoping! Praise God for these answers! And it reminds me when these "biggies" go the way I ask Him that He is also listening and answering the little things. And that when the answers don't turn out the way I think they should, He is in control and His reasons are beyond little ole me. And I am so glad because I certainly don't have much figured out. Thank you Lord for being in control and for these specific answers for my friends!!


Oh, and in my studies this week, I was back at the story of the prodigal son. Love that story for so many reasons. But the image I have had with me is God running. God running to meet the filthy pathetic returning kid with a huge hug. How great is that?!?!


I realize I am behind on posting pics. I will, I promise!


Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

Yeah for Aric and yeah for answered prayers!! God is good and moving even when we don't see it.

Amber said...

I love your post Jodi! I'm so glad your friends are pregnant!!!! I put this on Amie's blog, but wanted you to read it too.

Before Aric was taken in, he was saying I should take a picture of him holding a sign that says, "I'd feel better if Amie and Jodi posted Caddo pictures."

Marcia said...

Yeah for Aric and YEAH for your friend that is prego! Your post gave me chill bumps!
Happy Mothers Day sweet cousin of mine! Love you!

Alli said...

I LOVE your Thursday Thoughts....I had a situation last week where I really had to think about why God put me through something I thought was SO big, when really in His plan, it wasn't. It worked out in my favor, but I had to think what He was trying to tell me and teach me. It took quite a few prayers and I now think I have figured it out. But I do love moments like that to remind me who is in control....not me!

Love you!

Mandy said...

Amen sister! God always answers us even when we don't realize it. God is great!

Melissa Taylor said...

Thank you for your post - I need to be constantly reminded that God does things on His time, not mine!