Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You're Gonna Be Bored

People should know better than to "tag" me for this stuff... it never seems to be that exciting when I write them! But here ya go, Robyn... :)
What was happening in my life 10 years ago:
1. Soph year at ACU
2. traveling and singing with Reflections
3. loving Kojies
4. took 19 hours and HATED my life for it... thinking I would flunk out of school
5. looking forward to another summer at CDR
6. lots of time on the phone with Rachel during the Clint-Saga. :)
5 things on my to-do list
1. Pick up David's dry cleaning tomorrow
2. grocery store
3. Bible study before bed
4. wash Reagan's Snugglie before leaving town... it's filthy
5. set DVR for David' press conference! :)
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Oh, the blessed-ness of ice cream
2. grape tomatoes
3. crackers and cheese
4. chips and hot sauce
5. any fruit but strawberries
6 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. build the whole Seth Rogers Center for Camp, and probably a new pool and anything else needed, but nothing too fancy b/c the kids still need to rough it!
2. college savings for our kids and nieces and nephews
3. a house with a play room to get toys out of my living room as much as possible!
4. big-time support the Peifers (our missionary friends in Africa)
5. adopt a bunch of kids
6. hire someone to clean my house
5 bad habits:
1. chewing my cuticles
2. procrastinating
3. finishing other people's sentences for them... it even annoys ME that I do this!
4. not savoring every minute with my sweet angel
5. relying on email and not calling friends and family enough
4 places I’ve lived:
1. Watagua, TX
2. Bedford, TX
3. Abilene, TX
4. Friendswood, TX (that really is it!)
8 jobs I’ve had:
1. Day care provider
2. CDR counselor and Swing Queen
3. Private "home school" math/science teacher for 8th grader with autism.
4. SAT prep course teacher
5. Tutor (David would make a fart noise while reading that.)
6. Junior high math teacher
7. High school math teacher
8. Mommy
Done. And I am not tagging anyone unless you feel the need! :)


Marcia said...

AWE u r so cute!! I enjoyed reading your info it wasnt boring at all. Have a great day!

Melissa Taylor said...

I wasn't bored. It was good to get to know you a little more:)

Tracy said...

ugh. i did the whole taking 19 hours in one semester too! what were we thinking? crazy

...and jerrod would have made the farting noise at the job title "tutor" as well. they are so mature ;)

Being a Star said...

Thanks for the advice. We used clifford for a while now its Barney and super why!!
Naptime is when i should clean but end up taking a nap or playing on computer instead.
I liked your answers and wasn't bored.

Ashley said...

Man, I knew a lot more than I thought on that last. What fun.

Was that really 10 years ago, my friend? Man, time flies

*Kendra* said...

19 hours? You are crazy!
Now you have to wash Reagan's snuggly again after being at Caddo. Nothing looks fresh after leaving there! :) Had tons of fun with you!