Just found some stuff taken on our little camera that never got posted from the summer. Picked several to share, plus some videos! :)
Brooklyn's first plane ride, on our way to Amarillo in July. She loved it and did great.

Here is Reagan listening to her Veggie Tales Worship Songs on the ipod (worshipping God, not Bob and Larry, btw). This was taken right before she started screaming bloody murder that her ears were bothering her. I fussed at her since she wouldn't take a drink or yawn to clear her ears, threatened to spank her for throwing a fit, then she threw up all over me. Yeah, come to find out, we took her on a plane with a severe double ear infection. Parents of the Year. Poor baby. But she survived and ended up fine.

"Who wants to go to the mountains??"

This is B in her first cradle roll class, at my parents' church. Look at her sitting up like such a big kid! She has her own Bible class here at our church, but it isn't in the round table format. So, I had to take her pic. :)

Spent a couple days at Grammy and Poppy's... and at their neighbor's pool. A first for B, I think. She and Grammy enjoyed the shade.

Reagan swimming.... aka nearly drowning her Daddy.

"One, Two, ..."


Chillaxin' with Poppy.

Birthday Present Time!

Our plug for Leap Frog. If you have a child, preschool or younger, and you do not have the Tag .... better talk to Santa PRONTO. This thing is FABULOUS, and R looooooooves it. Thanks Grammy and Poppy!!!! From ALL of us!!

We had a small shunt scare with B about a month ago. Turned out her shunt was working overtime, which made it start to act as if it were leaking. Thus, she woke up one morning with some CSF pooled up under her scalp near her shunt site.... scared me to death. Thankfully, yay God, we have a programmable shunt. So, they checked her all out, reprogrammed it, and sent us on our merry way all fixed. :) I take her in next Mon to get it checked out again, a month later, just to be safe. Here she is.... all strapped in for her head CT. Such a cute little bundle o' love!!

And here, all smiles for the xray camera.

She did so great. Even in the CT... just stayed really still and looked at me with those big ole eyes like "Hey Mom, what in the WORLD?!" Then she would just grin. Makes my life so easy.

After two entire days of being at the hosp (just in the day, they didn't keep us at night), she would nap whenever possible. Again, makes my life so easy. Such a perfect baby.
I'll give more B updates later... got lots to tell. But I don't think I posted about her new skill this summer.... JUMPING. That is right, our girl is a bouncer. Seriously, she figured it out one day at PT, and was wondering where that had been all her life!!! She was so dern proud of herself, and of course so were we. I was crying, her therapist was crying, and she was cracking up. So, Daddy bought her a jumparoo THAT DAY, and she has been bouncing ever since. This was the first day... big sister was proud too. :) More answered prayers people... more answered prayers.
OK, don't watch this if unclothed children offend you. :) Thanks to the Isbells, the girls can now bathe together with B in this seat. She is BESIDE HERSELF that she can take a bath with Sister. Squeals repeatedly every time she hears the bath water running. This video does her screaming ability no justice. Trust me, it's serious. :) And Reagan is just a huge precious dork. Love that crazy, gross girl.
Last but not least, our girl loves to laugh. She thinks coughing and sneezing are particularly hilarious. Fake or real, she doesn't mind. And she will get herself into this kind of fit nearly everytime... loving every minute. And if this doesn't make you smile, then you need serious help. :)
I've got a few more things to document... using this as my "scrapbook." And thankfully our computer is BACK. For real this time. Man, it has been a rough couple of months for me with our internet being in and out. So, I'm of course behind again, but I'll get there!